The List of open source github projects used for web site building, ui designer tools. Web Template Generator

There are various open-source GitHub projects for web site builders. Here are a few examples:

  1. Grav:

    • Description: Grav is a modern open-source flat-file CMS (Content Management System). It allows you to build websites and blogs quickly, and it's file-based, which simplifies version control.

    • GitHub Repository: Grav GitHub Repository

  2. Hugo:

    • Description: Hugo is a fast and flexible open-source static site generator written in Go. It's designed to create static websites with an emphasis on speed and ease of use.

    • GitHub Repository: Hugo GitHub Repository

  3. Jekyll:

    • Description: Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware static site generator that is widely used for building GitHub Pages. It allows you to transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.

    • GitHub Repository: Jekyll GitHub Repository

  4. WordPress:

    • Description: WordPress is a popular open-source CMS that powers a significant portion of the web. It is highly customizable and extensible, making it suitable for various types of websites.

    • GitHub Repository: WordPress GitHub Repository

  5. Gatsby:

    • Description: Gatsby is a modern website framework that builds performance into every website by leveraging the latest web technologies such as React and GraphQL.

    • GitHub Repository: Gatsby GitHub Repository

  6. Hexo:

    • Description: Hexo is a fast, simple, and powerful blog framework that generates static websites. It is based on Node.js and is highly customizable.

    • GitHub Repository: Hexo GitHub Repository

  7. Pelican:

    • Description: Pelican is a static site generator that supports Markdown and reST input formats. It is written in Python and is suitable for blogs, personal websites, and more.

    • GitHub Repository: Pelican GitHub Repository

Remember to explore the documentation and community support for each project to understand their features, use cases, and how to get started. Choose a project that aligns with your requirements and familiarity with the technologies used.

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